Wednesday, February 17, 2010

All That's Sacred, Episode #40

Episode #40 is now available.

Well, it's another episode of All That’s Sacred connecting dots in the unlikeliest ways. Episode #40 features some listener requests with a topical (yet loose) theme. Despite your humble and perfectly imperfect host, I think it's a fun ride highlighting some incredible and fun(ny) moments from Pearl Jam shows past. Should make for an entertaining and interesting listen. 

Speaking of which, thank you to all my listeners – both new and old. Special thanks to Wishlist Foundation for the recent Street Teamrecognition and Two Feet Thick for a little Twitter love. Of course, I'd be nowhere without The Sky I Scrape plugging me in their newsfeed andPearl Jam allowing me to whore myself out each week on their message board. Happy to report that listenership is up! :) 

I always love hearing from fellow fans. If you want to reach out, please do so by email or voicemail. Also check out and follow the podcast Twitter and Facebook sites. Lastly, don't forget your ATS Gear! Over $110 raised in royalties so far - all to be matched by my employer and donated to charity!

Then head to our forums to discuss it!