Thursday, September 3, 2009

All That's Sacred, Episode #16

My apologies for the delay.  My day job impeded my Pearl Jam blogging yesterday.


Episode #16 is now available.

While the band takes a breather before the release of Backspacer and resuming the tour in Seattle on September 21st, we get caught up on a couple listener requests and review a little Pearl Jam history on episode #16. This podcast continues to be a fantastic exercise in discovery and rediscovery for me – and hopefully for you as well. Many thanks, as always, to you for listening and sending me your thoughts, experiences, and suggestions. I’ve said it before, but special thanks to fan-run sitesTwo Feet Thick for being such an awesome resource and The Sky I Scrape for being an early, constant supporter.

You know I love hearing from other fans so feel free to shoot me anemail or leave a comment on the site -- plus check me out on Facebookand Twitter. Thanks again and see you at the shows!

Then head to our forums to discuss it!