Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Grunge Report Apology

Nice.  Someone must have been lighting up their comments page.

Last week on I posted an article where Eddie Vedder talked about politics and I posted some negative thoughts on it and I apologize if I offended or angered any readers.  I called Eddie “condescending” and “self-righteous” and I should not have been as harsh as I was and I truly apologize if I angered anybody.  I was frustrated about something at the time I posted the article and I took it out on the article.  Pearl Jam are one of my favorite bands and I am not looking to anger the fans that go on this site, I myself am an ENORMOUS fan of Pearl Jam and have been for as long as I can remember.  I thought I should post a formal apology since so many readers seemed to be upset and since I myself regret what I said.  Again, I am sorry.  Nobody’s perfect, and I made a mistake.