Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ed and Stone Interview with Billboard.Com


There are a lot of cool things in this interview; a lot of things we've heard before.  What do I excerpt to tempt you?  I don't know.

Ed squashes our dreams of a Lost Dogs II.

It sounds like there are three or four tunes that could easily make the next record.

Yeah, I don't think we're going to whore them out as B-sides (laughs). I just called all B-sides whores. I think that allows us to be well on our way to the next galvanized batch.

... and he announces his favorite Springsteen bootleg.

Sh*t! I just gave it away to the guy who runs Easy Street in West Seattle. There was a really good one called "Piece de Resistance." I think it was right before "The River." The first time I saw him was '77, I think. I saw him on "The River," so that was '81? He played "Trapped" and it took me a while to track down a version of the song. It was one of those songs I'd never heard. It's super dynamic. We saw him in Atlanta when we were mixing the [new] record. He asked if we had any requests, and sure enough he opened the show with "Trapped," which was pretty cool.

... and Stone ends the turtle/album/chicken/egg debate.

I actually asked Ed what the name of the record might be, and he said "Backspacer," and I said, "Well, maybe I'll name the turtle that. We'll get the name out there early." There's some retrospective moods on this record, where Ed is looking at both his past and his future.

The discussion continues here.