Sunday, January 19, 2025

Singing Earth


Credit: Barrett Martin's Singing Earth

Mad Season drummer, Barrett Martin, has begun an online series of shows highlighting featuring under represented music styles from around the world.  His first episode, "Woven Songs of the Amazon" features the Shipibo Shamans of Peru singing over music played by famous musicians around the world, including Pearl Jam's Matt Cameron. 

You can watch the full episode on the VEVO Network.


From Martin's Facebook post:
And we are live with our first episode of the Singing Earth music series on the VEVO network. 
You can watch it on your Internet TV on the VEVO network or on Youtube at SingingEarthVEVO. Ep.1 "Woven Songs Of The Amazon" was filmed in the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest, where I and director Tad Fettig @fettigtad along with musical translator Dr. Lisette Garcia @lisettegarcia333 visited the singing Shipibo Shamans. 
On location I did field recordings of the shaman's healing songs called "Icaros." The shamans then asked me to bring in some of my musical friends to add their music to the Icaros and the results are truly exceptional. 
Joining us from studios around the world are Pearl Jam drummer Matt Cameron @themattcameron Joshua Tree legend David Catching @itookthisphoto New York percussionist Elizabeth Pupo-Walker @elizabethpupowalker and Cuban singer-songwriter Hector Tellz Jr. @hectortellezjr 
A companion album will be released in a few weeks that has 20 of these Icaro collaborations, and 100% of the proceeds goes directly to the shamans and their families. 
We hope you enjoy it, and please help us spread the word!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Shawn Smith & Dave Abbruzzese Collaboration: "Like the Child of the Water I Am"

If you follow the Shawn Smith Facebook page maintained by his estate, you've been treated to songs released every Friday since May.  Fifty-two total unreleased songs from Smith's archives are promised with artwork by Regan Hagar

This week was #36, and it is a song written and produced by Vs. and Vitalogy drummer, Dave Abbruzzese, Like the Child of the Water I Am.  No information is available about when it was recorded, but the song is very "Shawn Smith" and much more sedated that one might expect from Abbruzzese.  You can listen at BandCamp and buy the track for $2.