I've been trying for some time to find ways that I can tap into the creative energies of Red Mosquito Forum members to improve The Sky I Scrape. When stip recently posted his intro to a song-by-song review of Binaural, I realized that this is where it starts.We're going to start out of order because Binaural is the most recent Guided Tour posted in our forum, and it's currently the most active. I hope you enjoy this weekly series as we take you through Pearl Jam's nine (and future) studio albums song-by-song.
Keep Jammin',
One show into the Euro tour and we are off to a promising start - already getting a new song, Of The Earth! Longtime listener, Andy in the UK, shot me a Facebook note about an ATS encounter from the Dublin gig:
”So I walk up to take my spot on the floor and the guy next to me looks at my ATS t-shirt and says 'great podcast'. We start chatting and he says are you Andy from London! Ha, fucking famous lol He recognised my voice from the podcast, not only that, it was Warren or Wazza's request you dedicated to my son Luke, when he broke his collar bone back in March (iron man/Luke the uke from the Reading festival). What are the chances of that! Small world huh....”
Stories like that totally make my day! :)
#58 entertains with some great listener requests and a few more tunes to prepare for the upcoming dates on this leg of the tour. I also spend some time discussing a few changes coming to the podcast. It’s a little chatty but I’m speaking from the heart and cuff and I hope y’all are onboard as we move onward and upward. Further, I appreciate everyone tuning in and participating over the last 58 weeks and look forward to this next chapter in the ATS story.
Kevin Wood with Malfunkshun & All Hail the Crown
Featuring Shawn Smith, Rane Stone, Steve Fournier Rob Day, Mike Hommel and John Hoag as well as others!
Plus a limited seating V.I.P. sneak preview of
Malfunkshun: the Andy Wood Story
A film by Scot Barbour
To be released by Universal Studios August, 2010.
Malfunkshun the grunge pioneering band started in the early eighties was fronted by Andrew Wood who later joined Mother Love Bone. The phrase Love Rock was coined by this band. After a larger than life concert experience with Malfunkshun you know this is Love Rock. Songs from 'Monument' , the upcoming release by Kevin Wood and From the North, to be released July 12th. on Wammybox records – featuring lyrics by Andrew Wood and music by Kevin Wood are featured in this set
All Hail the Crown will open the evenings music portion. All Hail is another of Kevin’s current bands –blending Kevin’s wailing guitar with the smooth vocals of a Seattle favorite Shawn Smith - 'Heavy Rock with a Sweet Edge'.Watch for thier release on wammybox in October!
I finally got this done. I hope you enjoy it. BTW, please head over to http://www.b-drawn.com and check out some awesome Pearl Jam inspired T-Shirts. Barbara is taking PRE-ORDERS until tomorrow for The Wave t-shirt. Also, listen to the show for a chance to WIN one.
Show Notes:
The Week in Review
Song of the Week: Better Days by Eddie Vedder
GTC EXTRAS: Christmas Singles 2009 - Turning Mist and Hawaii '78
Live Rarites: Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" by Van Halen covered at Hartford, CT show 2010
Interview with a Fan: Barbara Alonso artist and winner of the Design Your Own T-Shirt Contest
Trivia Contest: WIN on of Barbara's T-shirts
Between the Songs: Ed talks about his daughter during Austin City Limits Show taping - Oct. 3, 2009
This week, be on the lookout for a new Pearl Jam video for “Amongst the Waves” that will touch on the Gulf oil spill in the gulf. The song is off to a great start at radio from the very successful CD…
It’s getting to be that time again… Pearl Jam kicks off 11 dates across the pond on June 22nd in Dublin, Ireland and wraps up on July 10th in Oeiras, Portugal. To commemorate and prepare the lucky ones, we are featuring a few listener-suggested tracks from past European shows on ATS #57. Lots of great memories and I can’t wait to see what’s in store this go around. If the domestic tour was any indicator, it’s guaranteed to have me wishing I was there. This band continues to defy the odds – remaining relevant and getting better with age. Have fun on tour.
Just a quick note regarding emails… I appreciate anyone and everyone who reaches out to the podcast. I’ve been pretty busy and distracted lately and, as a result, have fallen way behind on responding to your letters. I just want y’all to know that I get and read all the emails and will respond as soon as I can. Just didn’t want anyone thinking I was ignoring them.
Anyway, thanks for the participation and continued support of the podcast. It’s fun doing this every week. Enjoy #57.
How about: It’s Eddie Vedder’s contribution to the Eat Pray Love soundtrack! A source close to the band has confirmed exclusively to EW.com that the track is a new original from Vedder, intended to play during this summer’s Julia Roberts-starring odyssey. Lyrics like “My love is saved for the universe, see me now I’m bursting / on one planet, so many turns, different worlds” would certainly seem to jive with Elizabeth Gilbert’s story of global self-discovery, and there’s an exotic edge to the instrumentation that could happily live in Italy, or India, or Indonesia. Eat Pray Love star Javier Bardem and Vedder are friends, which may explain Ed’s participation. And considering 7 million people or something bought Gilbert’s book, it’s a savvy involvement for anyone.
We finally got a taste of summer here in the Pacific Northwest and so it only seemed appropriate to mark the occasion on #56 with a few relaxing tunes. So imagine yourself someplace sunny and enjoy.
Next week we'll return to get folks pumped for the Euro tour. Thanks as always for tuning in.
The down time before the Euro shows allows me a moment to tend to some unfinished business. ATS #55 runs the gamut with a few listener requests, a belated Memorial Day dedication, and a bit of a rant from yours truly. Time was at a premium this week and, as a result, we're a little disjointed and coming in at under an hour for the first time in weeks. I hope it still makes for a fun listen and I promise to bring some sunshine next week.
Hope everyone is well and, as always, appreciate you taking the time to tune in.