Thursday, Sept 2, 2010, 7:30PM
$20 Advance
$25 Day of Show
(Not including fees)
Purchase Tickets On-line
STG Presents Hootenanny For A Healthy Gulf with Duff McKagan, Mike McCready & Friends at The Moore Theatre in Seattle on Thursday, September 2, 2010.
Northwest musicians Star Anna, Ty Bailie, Justin Davis, Tim DiJulio, Chris & Rick Friel, Mike McCready, Duff McKagan, Mark Pickerel, Jeff Rouse, Kim Virant, Kristen Ward, Gary Westlake, and friends unite for an extraordinary evening of music to benefit the Gulf Coast.
Hootenanny For A Healthy Gulf will include a silent auction, raffle and audience sing-a-long. These, along with the proceeds from ticket sales, will support the efforts of Gulf Restoration Network (GRN), the only non-profit exclusively focused on the health of the Gulf of Mexico.
Hootenanny For A Healthy Gulf is possible by the generous donations of the artists and STG. Special thanks to Tickets.com for waiving its per-ticket service charges.
In addition, 10% of sales at Tom Douglas' Palace Kitchen on the night of the event (Sept 2 only) will be donated to GRN.
*Check back for more information on silent auction and raffle prizes!