So far this year, it has been all about the side projects. For the moment, the guys seem focused on expressing themselves through different avenues before reuniting later this year to celebrate PJ20 properly. That being the case and being such a fan of all the guy's musical contributions outside Pearl Jam, I thought ATS #79 was the perfect opportunity to take a listen to what was, what is, and what will be in this sonic arena. Some excellent music to be explored - especially for the uninitiated.
In the immediate future, we have Flight To Mars blowing the roof off the Showbox this Friday benefiting CCFA and Advocacy For Patients. This night has become one of the highlights of my year and you owe it to yourself to be there if you are anywhere near the Seattle area.
Trust everyone is well and psyched for the EV solo tour to hold us over through the summer. Here's hoping Ten Club dishes the dirt soon on the PJ20 festivities so we can all plan the rest of our year.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
All That's Sacred, Episode #79
All That's Sacred, Episode #79 is now available.