Episode #37 is now available.
I’m still getting my head screwed on straight after my trip down south and, as a result, we are making it up as we go today and catching up on some listener requests on episode #37. Lots of great suggestions and I hope you enjoy the show despite my ramblings. There’s been a bump in traffic to the site and it seems like some new listeners have discovered the podcast so I took a few minutes to address some recent questions concerning subscribing and downloading old episodes.
I also talked a bit about something new I’m exploring: All That’s Sacred swag! I created a new ATS logo for Twitter and Facebook that really seemed to resonate with people. So I decided to slap that sucker on some gear and make it available to buy. A modest royalty on each item will be donated to the charities CaringBridge and Doctors Without Borders. Please explore the site and order if interested.
Thanks for tuning in and see you next week with something a bit more realized.
Then head to our forums to discuss it!