Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everybody Loves Our Town

Is your grunge library a little thin?  Maybe it's time to look at Mark Yarm's (no relation) upcoming book Everybody Loves Our Town: An Oral History of Grunge, out September 6th.  It's available for pre-order at Amazon.  You can also catch tidbits and tons of grunge-themed news on Mark Yarm's blog including this little tid-bit where Matt Lukin explains the origins of one of our favorite little ditties.
“Vedder had a stalker chick that would come by his house that was freaking him out. He would start to avoid his house after a while, so he would just come by my place. Vedder’d come over and we’d sit ‘round the kitchen and drink and stuff. He would talk about his stalker problem a little bit, but I would just blow it off. It was just drunken talk, throwing darts, having fun. There’d be other people there, sometimes four or five of us. Just me and Eddie and our wives and mutual friends like [then Mudhoney manager] Bob Whittaker. The Pearl Jam song ‘Lukin’ is about how my kitchen’s a sanctuary for him. Also, I was giving him shit about all their songs being too long. That inspired him to make ‘Lukin’ a one-minute song. I’ve always flipped him shit. Never let him be the rock star that he is.”