It appears as though Ed is a confirmed guest at the Atlanta Film Festival tomorrow evening. If you have tickets to The People Speak, you might catch a glimpse.
World Premiere Red Carpet Event
Opening Night Gala
Thursday, April 16 at 7:30 p.m.
The People Speak
Director/Producers: Chris Moore, Howard Zinn and Anthony Arnove, USA, 120 minutes
Inspired by Howard Zinn’s revolutionary book, A People’s History of the United States, The People Speak film brings together actors Josh Brolin, Marisa Tomei, Danny Glover, Jasmine Guy, Viggo Mortensen, Kerry Washington, Morgan Freeman, Matt Damon, Sandra Oh, Sean Penn, Rosario Dawson, and Don Cheadle, and contains brings history to life by re-create poignant, but unsung milestones in U.S. history, told from oft overlooked points of view of women, minorities, and the oppressed.
These slices of life are woven together with historical clips and dynamic musical performances by Bob Dylan, John Legend, Jackson Browne, Eddie Vedder, Randy Newman, Chris and Rich Robinson, and Bruce Springsteen to create a new paradigm for what keeps our democracy vital. This powerful collection of maverick performances arrives at the conclusion that to challenge authority is the defining characteristic of what it means to be an American.
The Opening Night Gala is presented by Turner, and sponsored by Film Finish, Macquarium. VIP tickets include a pre-reception sponsored by Amnesty International.
Confirmed guests: include Eddie Vedder (musician, Pearl Jam), Josh Brolin (W., No Country for Old Men), Chris Moore (Project Greenlight, producer of Good Will Hunting, American Pie), Howard Zinn (author, The People's History of the United States), Michael Ealy (Barbershop, Their Eyes Were Watching God), Rich Robinson (musician, Black Crowes), and Jasmine Guy (A Different World, School Daze).
All outlet sales are cash only
Thank you, given2fly23, for the catch.