Pearl Jam Rock Band Project Coming Next Year
05.11.09We need your help! Ten Club, MTV Games and Harmonix’s Rock Band, and Rhapsody are teaming up to let you, Pearl Jam’s biggest fans, help us choose the best versions of Pearl Jam live songs that will be presented for the first-ever fan voted set list for a forthcoming Rock Band project.
Your expertise will help us determine which of these versions is worthy of making the cut. Just click on the songs you like and open up the Rhapsody playlist widget for that particular song. Once you have the widget open, listen to the version you think is the best. The versions that are played the most times will be deemed the best versions and will then be entered into consideration to make the final “set list” vote.
Note: Those of you who aren’t Rhapsody subscribers will have to go to hereto get your free trial subscription so you can use the play list.
You’ve got your work cut out for you.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pick Tracks for Pearl Jam's Rock Band Project
I would say that there is a version of Rock Band: Pearl Jam in our future, but the word "project" makes me hesitant. Still, Ten Club is offering you a big opportunity for you to gain exposure for your favorite tracks.