Did you remember that The Fixer debuts today? I haven't seen it for sale yet, but it is streaming at Pearl Jam's myspace page (which is, surprisingly, NOT myspace.com/pearljam).
You might start to thinking about things while you're listening to the song. I can't seem to stop myself from imagining the Cameron Crowe directed video featuring this song,that has been filmed for Target.
"When something's up, I wanna shed a little light on it."
(Show a trendy, dorm-room lamp.)
"When something's cold, I wanna put a little fire on it."
(Show new Glade Effects candles.)
"When something's old, I wanna put a bit of shine on it."
(Show sexy model buffing a car with Turtle Wax.)
"When something's broke, I wanna put a bit of fixin' on it."
(Show Gorilla Glue.)
I'm not criticizing Pearl Jam for the exclusive deal they signed with Target, this is just the image that I haven't been able to get out of my head all morning.
The discussion continues here.